Pyschic Reader and Counselor, Syndicated Columnist, Author and Psychic Cate Cavanagh Anounces:
I am now available as a Psychic Reader and Counselor, Spiritual Life Coach, Spiritual Consultant and Life Reinvention
specialist. I read multiple Tarot Cards and can help you learn how to help yourself move forward in your life and am available
for workshops and lectures. As an Eclectic, I will honor YOUR traditions! Read on....
Contact me and see how your life can change!
Workshop and Lecture Topics:
Making Obstacles Work For You.
Are you "stuck"? How to get in spiritual gear.
Karmic Cleansing and moving forward.
Surviving the death of loved ones.
Is there really life after life?
What your spiritual mission is and how discovering it can change your life!
Guided meditations for personal growth.
Pet loss is extremely devastating. I offer lectures and workshops on pet loss, grief and moving forward.
E mail me for scheduling and rates.
Private, individualized services and readings:
Pyschic phone consultation/reading: $300 and the long distance charges on me! email for conference
Browse other psychic authorities and compare!
Individual Spiritual Coaching and Life Reinvention Counseling: $150 per hour by phone (on me!)
Other Psychic Readings:
Wheel Of The Year to guide you through the next twelve months: $300.00
Past Life Reading to help you understand your present incarnation: $150.00
Are you conflicted? An Animal Medicine Card reading can help you make positive choices in your life: $50.00
What are your animal totems?: $150
Free free to "Google" CATE CAVANAGH! I am an established Psychic and Spiritual authority!